News, Views and Events

Exploring Skinification Trend
What is Skinification? Skinification is a holistic approach to skincare that emphasizes giving equal care and attention to all parts of the body, not just

How does Coco MCT Oil Affect the Gut-Skin Axis?
Understanding the Gut-Skin Axis The relationship between the gut-brain-skin has become a popular topic in literature and marketing. Data indicates that the amount of food

Baby Care Products: What Parent-Customers Look For
What Are Examples of Essential Baby Care Products? Because newborns aren’t yet able to care for themselves, it’s up to their parents to provide them

Defining “Vegan,” “Plant-Based,” and “Cruelty-Free”
What Makes a Product Cruelty-Free? When brands promote themselves as “cruelty-free,” often in addition to being vegan, it means that they use a variety of

Formulating Personal Care Products for Both Mildness and Multifunctional Use
Why Should Personal Care Products Have Mild Formulations? Many people use personal care products daily for their hygiene, as well as to enhance how they

Best Practices for Nighttime Skin Care
Why Is It Important to Have a Nighttime Skin Care Routine? There are plenty of good reasons to maintain a dedicated nighttime skin care routine.